Drilling is scheduled to commence in Q2/ Q3 2020 and Island Drilling Management will be responsible for the operation of Island Innovator.
Island Drilling Company AS is grateful to OMV (Norge) AS for chosen Island Innovator to perform this scope.
OMV (Norge) AS is the Operator of License 644 License with holding a 30% interest.
Sandsli 12.12.2019
Roger Simmenes
Island Drilling AS
Pressemelding fra Island Drilling Company AS
Island Drilling Company AS er glad for å kunne annonsere at selskapet har signert en Kontrakt med OMV (Norge) AS den 12.12.19, for å bore en brønn i Lisens 644, nær Aasgaard feltet i Norskehavet. I tillegg er egen avtale inngått med OMV som gjelder inntil 3 opsjonsbrønner for OMV i andre Norske havområder.
Planlagt boreoppstart er Q2/ Q3 2020 og Island Drilling Management vil stå ansvarlig for å drifte operasjonen av Island Innovator.
Island Drilling Company AS takker OMV (Norge) AS for at Island Innovator har blitt valgt til dette boreoppdraget.
OMV (Norge) AS er Operatør for Lisens 644, med 30% eierandel.
Sandsli 12.12.2019
Roger Simmenes
Island Drilling AS

As the year comes to a close, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our employees and partners for your dedication, trust, and collaboration. Together, we’ve achieved great things in 2024.